Default template: an empty diesel project, with support for DSL, testing, web services etc.
{{Property description=Use this to start a new project and play with specifications. Make it more useful by adding mods later, as needed.}}
{{Property title=a Diesel project}}
not creating these anymore:
{{section pages:}} pages { main { category=Reactor name={{$$name}} label=Project {{$$name}} template="ReactorTemplate:Specs#reactor" } userHome { category=Admin name=UserHome label=UserHome - {{$$reactor}} template="ReactorTemplate:Specs#userHome" } a-lights-story { category=Story name=a-lights-story label=A lights story example template="ReactorTemplate:Specs#a-lights-story" tags=dsl } a-lights-spec { category=Spec name=a-lights-spec label=A lights spec example template="ReactorTemplate:Specs#a-lights-spec" tags=dsl } }
{{section pages:}}
missingpages { home { category=Admin name=Home label={{$$reactor}} - home template="ReactorTemplate:Specs#home" } cat { category=Category name=Category label=Category template="ReactorTemplate:Specs#category" } admin { category=Category name=Admin label=Admin pages for {{$$reactor}} template="ReactorTemplate:Specs#admin" } topic { category=Category name=Topic label=Generic category for pages template="ReactorTemplate:Specs#topic" } about { category=Admin name=About label=About {{$$name}} template="ReactorTemplate:Specs#about" } browse { category=Admin name=Browse label=Browse Wiki template="ReactorTemplate:Specs#browse" } catReactor { category=Category name=Reactor label=Reactor template="ReactorTemplate:Specs#catReactor" } mods { category=Category name=ReactorMod label=ReactorMod template="ReactorTemplate:Specs#mod" } }
addMods { specs { template="wiki.ReactorModule:Specs" } } {{/section}}
The form is used when creating reactors of this type and the parameters will then be available to all the templates.
{{section form:}}
{{section reactor:}}
This is the admin page for your project/reactor: {{$$name}} - this page is only visible to you and other moderators/admins (you can edit it, see the actions at bottom!). Be careful with editing the hidden properties in this topic, as they control the behavior of the reactor. See Reactor Properties Guide for details.
Domain categories: Admin Blog Category CategoryTemplate Data Domain DslData DslDomain DslElement DslModule DslModuleSpec Form FormDesign Note Play Post Reactor ReactorMod ReactorModule ReactorTemplate Sample Schema Spec Story Tag Task Topic User WikiLink
Current mods: Blogging Add mods Reactor mods add more functionality to your reactor, like blogs etc
What next:
{{.section:properties}} name={{$$reactor}}domain={{$$reactor}}.dieselapps.com url=<a href="http://{{$$reactor}}.dieselapps.com">http://{{$$reactor}}.dieselapps.com</a> css=light org={{$$org}}kind={{$$kind}}app={{$$app}}`
.section:properties}} name=
.dieselapps.com url=<a href="http://{{$$reactor}}.dieselapps.com">http://{{$$reactor}}.dieselapps.com</a> css=light org=
visibility=Public,Member,Moderator,Private wvis=Public,Member,Moderator,Private default.visibility={{$$access}} default.wvis=Member #default.editMode=Draft
#newUserFlow=wiki follow ski.Blog:blog;wiki log new user;
#consent/acceptance required when logging into the realm, on top of the RK consent #consent=ski.Admin:Ski_Consent
home=wiki.Admin:Home #home={{$$reactor}}.Admin:Home userHome={{$$reactor}}.Admin:UserHome bottom.Connect.Blog=http://razie.dieselapps.com bottom.Connect.Twitter=coolscala
reactor={{$$reactor}} mixins=specs,{{$$baseApp}}
adsAtBottom=no adsOnList=no adsForUsers=no
nav.Journal=/notes nav.user.Stories=/tag/story nav.user.Specs=/tag/spec nav.user.Fiddle=/diesel/fiddle/playDom nav.user.badgeRefreshNews=/diesel/guard/status
rightTop=wiki.Admin:RightTop #rightBottom=rk.Site:razie.dieselapps.com/Page:RightBottom
useWikiPrefix=true #analyticsId=UA-31808405-6 {{`/section}}
{{template home:}} (view)
{{template home:}}
{{template userHome:}} (view)
{{template userHome:}}
{{template browse:}} (view)
{{template browse:}}
{{template about:}} (view)
{{template about:}}
{{template category:}} (view)
{{template category:}}
{{template admin:}} (view)
{{template admin:}}
{{template topic:}} (view)
{{template topic:}}
{{template mod:}} (view)
{{template mod:}}
{{template reactor:}} (view)
{{template reactor:}}
{{template a-lights-story:}} (view)
{{template a-lights-story:}}
{{template a-lights-spec:}} (view)
{{template a-lights-spec:}}
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