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A Tags module for reactors - adds the capability to create and manage tags.

{{Property title=create tags}}

{{Property description=This mod will let you create and manage reactor tags}}

{{section pages:}}
pages { main { category=ReactorMod name=WikiTags label=WikiTags template="ReactorModule:WikiTags#main" } tag { category=Category name=WikiTag label=WikiTag template="ReactorModule:WikiTags#tag" }


{{section main:}}
You can create and manage project tags...

List tags
Create a tag

{{section tag:}}
A project tag will collect the versions of all pages. You can use it to tag a moment in time. Also, it is very useful when recovering a project to a previous state (like a project installed at a client, together with a specific version of code).

Meta info:

  • {{Property visibility=Public,Club,ClubAdmin,Private}}


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By: Razie | 2020-04-10 .. 2020-04-23 | Tags: reactormodule

Viewed 175 times ( | History | Print ) this page.

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